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2025 Prepared Food or Beverage Vendor Application

There Are 6 Steps to Complete

Step 1:

Will You Be Preparing Food or Beverage?

Yes: Continue below.
No: Continue to Standard Non-Food Applications Page.

Location: 15 8th Street, Augusta GA 30901 8th Street Plaza (off of Reynolds & 8th Street) in downtown Augusta GA.

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  • Every Saturday starting March 15 – November 15
  • Market Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Vendor Arrival and Set-Up: 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
  • Vendor Breakdown and Loading: 2:00 p.m.


  • Tents and Tables are available for Rent for your convenience. The rate is $20 for a Tent and $10 for a table. This includes set-up and break-down of the tent and/or table. Rental must be paid for at the same time as the booth fee.


  • Applications must be turned in by 2:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the market.
  • Applications are subject to committee approval.

Food Protection

  • Fly control screens, fans or other approved methods must be provided.
  • All food and supplies must be stored at least 6 inches off the floor.
  • Facilities/equipment must be provided to ensure constant required food temperatures. Generally, you should cook TCS items from frozen state when there is limited refrigeration temp control equipment on site.
  • Time Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) and potentially hazardous foods must be maintained at either: 41 degrees F or below – cold food or 135 degrees or above – hot food.
  • Handling of food should be minimized – No bare hand contact with Ready To Eat (RTE) foods. Ice scoops must be used to dispense food products and be stored on a clean, dry surface or in the food product with the handle extended. They must be cleaned and sanitized as often as needed to prevent contamination.
  • All condiments must be individually packaged or dispensed according to rules and regulations.
  • Hand washing facilities must be designed to include a container to dispense warm water for hand washing with a flip turn on. Push button dispensers are prohibited. Soap and paper towels must be provided as well as proper means of waste disposal.
  • Personnel with infections must be restricted to non-food contact.
  • No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in any food service area.
  • Clean clothes and hair restraints must be worn at all times in the food booths.
  • No “home made”, “prepared at home” or “home canned” food may be served. Only PHF/TCS food manufactured from a commercially approved source may be served or offered for sale.

Equipment & Utensils

  • All single service forks, knives and spoons must be pre-wrapped unless provided with the plate of food directly from food service personnel (no customer access to prevent contamination).
  • For hot food booths: You are required to have a fire extinguisher visible to the public.

Utensil Washing

  • All utensils and dishware must be rinsed and chemically sanitized using a three (3) sink system.

Step 2:

Join Email List

To receive communication from us regarding all vendor matters, we must have your email address.

*Choose “Vendor List” for vendor information, also choose “Fun for Everyone” to see all email sent to patrons.

Join Now

Step 3:

Like Market Facebook Page

This is another way that we communicate with you. Many times, facebook has more up to date information and more frequent updates than the e-mail list. We allow vendors to post to the page. This can include what you are going to have at the Market and other things about your business. Please only post things that are specifically related to The Market.

Like Our Facebook Page

Step 4:

I agree to abide by the infection control guidelines including:

  1. Stay home if sick or exposed to anyone with suspected covid-19.
  2. Use of hand sanitizer or soap and water between customers.

Step 5:

If you do not receive a response within a week, YOU ARE APPROVED! You must pay via PayPal in order to reserve your spot. If you pay and are not approved, you will get a full refund. There are no refunds unless the Market is canceled. Market cancellations will be posted on Facebook page by midnight on Friday.

Food & Beverage Vendor Application Form
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 100 MB.
    • Guidelines
    • Qualifications & Provisions

      You must Read and Follow Food-Service Guidelines and verify that you have read, understand, and will comply on application (must type yes in indicated box). The Augusta Market will be held harmless from any violation, deviance or liability caused by non-compliance of stated guidelines. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from The Augusta Market, and full liability of any damages caused by non-compliance will be assumed by your business.

      • Handcrafted Items will be evaluated as to uniqueness, quality and appropriateness to the Market Venue.
      • All artists and craftsmen must submit photos, slides or samples of work with application.

      • There is no available power.
      • Generators are allowed but are required to be QUIET GENERATORS and are subject to Director Approval.
      • Hot Food booths are required to have a fire extinguisher visible to the public.
      • Vendors are responsible to carry their own trash away or to the dumpsters behind the portalets. Do not use the trashcans on site.

    Step 6:

    Reserve Booth Space With Payment

    Reserve Booth Here

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